About Littleton Dog Park

Our Vision:

To establish an off-leash dog park where dogs and their (owners/friends) have a safe, well-maintained area for recreation and socialization. To respond to the needs of a significant portion of the Littleton area population for a vibrant, play location for pets. To create a dog park that is viewed as a canine complement to the town’s existing public parks.

Meet the Dog Park Team

Caitlin Leverone

The fearless leader with her two assistants

Penny Zuk McKinnon

Dogs and their families would benefit a great deal from having a dog park in this wonderful community. I feel so fortunate to be able to work with the Littleton Dog Park Committee, and look forward to having a dog park soon!

Hailee Beane

Community supporter who has tons of love for all canines. She is looking forward to being a volunteer at our dog park 

Kerrey Allaire

Kerrey Allaire with Chester. Kerrey and her fur child, Ryder are looking forward to a dog park.

Ed Zuk

His dogs are patiently waiting for the Littleton Dog Park

Dave Pilotte, and Chester

Dave has plans to volunteer at the dog park with the necessary maintenance along with many other volunteers.

Dave and Sue Pilotte

 With their beloved Labradoodle Chester. Sue is Vice President of the Dog Park and original founder of the Dog Park Commitee in 2017. Sue has worked tirelessly for our Dog Park, and continues to work within the community to raise awareness of the need for a dog park. Sue and her dog, Chester had a goal, and a dream of having a safe place for our fur friends to socialize and play.

Oliver (Ollie) Chester Pilotte

Although Chester passed away at age 14 in 2021, Sue and her golden doodle puppy, Ollie continue to pursue Chester’s dream of making the dog park a reality. We hope to raise funds in Chester’s memory to keep his dream alive in support of building a dog park.   Please donate In memory of your beloved canine, and in support of all our canine’s big smiles at play time in the dog park.